Bradley had his second birthday last week. I can't believe it's already been two years since he was our little baby.

I made him a dump truck cake. When Mackayla saw it she said "It could use some touch-ups. Were you holding the baby when you did it?" I actually wasn't holding the baby but it did look like it. :) The kids loved it anyway.

He had been practising blowing out his candles for weeks and did a great job.

The birthday boy with his presents.

Mackayla and Bradley opened every gift together, singing "whats going to work? TEAM WORK!" from wonderpets.

Mackayla saw these car slippers at the store a long time ago and just had to get them from Bradley's birthday. He's also trying on his new big boy underwear in this picture.

He loved his his new tool set.
And so did Jacob

Playing with more gifts.

He got a scooter also.

Mackayla has been very in to designing her own hair styles lately. This is a common request from her... two braids on the top of the sides made into loops.

The boys taking a nap with mom
Pretty harsh Mackayla! I think the cake looks really good, and you have cool candles on top too. Glad to see that Bradley had such a good birthday.
Wonderpets, big boy underware, car slippers, a custom made dump truck cake, what more could a boy ask for? Glad he had a nice birthday!
Great scooter picture! I love the last one too with you and the kids!
Happy Birthday, cute Bradley! Perfect cake and presents for a two-year-old boy - cars and trucks rule!
Wow they look so grown up! It all looked great Melissa. On a side note, I like your entertainment center too. You seem to handle all the changes without difficulty.
I can't believe he's two... What a neat tool set-- like father, like son! :)
That was a great cake Melissa! Don't let anyone tell you differetnly. I love Mackayla's hair styles. What happened to her lip? I also love the scooter picture. Bardley's smile is so cute!! Happy Birthday, late!
Jacob is getting big and very cute~!
Happy Birthday Bradley! Love you guys!!
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