Jacob will be one week old tomorrow. It's amazing how much we love him already.
He seems so much older everyday and is spending a lot more time awake now. Here's a bunch of pictures from the last couple days.
Bradley following Grandpa around
The boys hanging out together. It's so funny how my little baby Bradley suddenly seems so BIG now.
Mackayla loves her little brother and talks to him with the sweetest little voice. She loves being my helper.
Bradley absolutely loves his baby brother but has definitly had some jealous moments already. Once Grandpa and Grandma leave, I think he'll have a tough transition time.
Grandma and Jacob.
Bradley listening to Heather's music.
Sweet little Jacob.
A brief account of our experience for the records:
Monday morning I woke up and went downstairs about 7am to tell Jared, before he left for work, that I was having a few pains but wasn't sure if they were labor pains or not. By 8:00 I was sure and we headed straight for the hospital. By the time we got there I was already dialated to 8cm. It took them a long time to get us in the computer and to get an IV in me. So, by the time I got my epidural, I was dialated to 9.5cm. A short time later our little Jacob was born. Although I was sure I was going to die during all that time before the epidural, everything went very well. My parents were able to bring the kids in soon after he was born to meet the newest member of our family and they LOVED him. Jared was in the middle of a very important project at work. He, of course, didn't go into work on Monday, but unfortunatley had to spend most of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the office. He took Friday off, though, and is also planning to take tomorrow off. It's been so nice to have him home. I'm actually pretty nervous for when my Mom leaves and Jared is back at work. I'm sure I'll adjust, though, as all new mother's do.
You will do fine when mom leaves! Jacob is a really cute boy! He is a good little one. Mackayla and Bradley are also very good kids. Good job guys and good luck.
What a little sweetheart. You'll do wonderfully well Melissa. You have so much patience.
I love the pictures - Jacob is precious. I hope you are feeling better - the first week is so hard recovery-wise. Have fun and good luck and call if you need anything. Even though I'm in PA, I can probably one-up any losing-your-mind mom moments if it would help you feel better:)
He really is a handsome baby! Your kids definitely all look similar. I'm so happy for you guys and hope we get to see you before too long :)
I've had so much fun visiting you. The kids are so cute and smart!! You are a wonderful mother Melissa!
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