Jared is finally a grown-up. We celebrated his 30th birthday this last week. He received lots of great gifts and had some good cake- a perfect birthday!

We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner before the party and had a great time. The kids had a blast and the food was wonderful.

Getting ready to open presents.

Mackayla picked out a present for her Dad by herself and was SO EXCITED to give it to him.

Our family at the big party.

Eating cake and icecream with the Henrys.

The kids have been wanting to put on their rain jackets and then go stand on the back patio while the sprinklers are on.

Jared was very excited to try out his new firepit that he received for his birthday.

So, we roasted marshmallows for Family Home Evening.

We've been spending a lot of time looking closely at the little shoots of grass that start coming up. This is a common position for Jared and the kids lately.

WE HAVE GRASS!! We still have a long ways to go but it is definitly coming in.

It looks like the party was a blast! Your kids are so cute! I can't wait to join in all the fun! Also, I can't wait to see both of Jared's outcomes of planting the seeds.
Happy Birthday Jared! Nice grass.
See you tomorrow!!!!
I'm sorry that we didn't get a chance to go and see you guys, but I would have been more sorry if Logan had gotten you all sick.
Happy Birthday Jared!
Yes, very nice grass!!! Happy Birthday Jared :)
I'm proud of you for not overextending yourself and letting someone else make the birthday dinner and cake. That was a much better idea for an about to pop lady. Happy Birthday Jared and good luck to Melissa with the impending arrival.
Hooray for grass! Looks like a fun party. We can't wait for baby brother to get here. I'm sure you are ready to quit being pregnant in the summer heat, Melissa. Good luck!
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