Here is the first photo album of our new little baby boy.
Jacob David Jones
Born: 08/10/09
11:13 AM
7lbs 15oz 20in

First time in his Mother's arms

Sleeping with the little dog his sister and brother brought him.

Mackayla and Bradley in the waiting room. I heard they had a wonderful time while waiting for the good news.

Proud new parents in the delivery room.

Meet Baby Brother

Our family of five!

They were so excited he finally came out to be with us.

Bradley loved his baby brother!!

Meeting Grandpa Hatfield..

Grandma Hatfield...

and Aunt Heather.

Brothers and sister

This pictures makes him look big but he does have a round little face.

Another family picture

All dressed and ready to come home.

Mackayla remembered she had dressed up as Cinderella to welcome Bradley home so she decided Jacob would get snow white to welcome him to his new home.

The kids are so happy to have him home!

Little Jake asleep in his new bed with the blanket his mommy made him.

I'm sure I'll be putting another post on soon with more pictures and more details of the big event but I just wanted to get these pictures on quickly for grandparents that are waiting to see them!
He's beautiful! I love his name... and I love you guys! Five is such a nice number :)
And Melissa, you look wonderful!!
What a sweetheart. He does look big. I love all that hair and he looks so precious in his big carseat. Good job guys! You look great.
I am so happy for you guys! What a precious family, he sure fits right in! Pretty soon, if not already, you are going to try and remember what it was like without him here...and you won't be able to.
So happy for you!
Aunt Shelley and Family
Jacob is such a sweet little guy. We are glad he made it here safe and sound. Enjoy the tinyness while it lasts!
Hey if he would have been born two days earlier he would have shared his birthday with his dad's coolest cousin! Congratulations, he is a very handsome little boy and a great addition to your family!
He looks like he belongs in your family...what a cutie! I can't wait to meet him.
I like the new carseat.
What a cute kid!!! He definitely looks like one of your bunch :) Glad you are all well & that is very cute how Mackayla dressed up for his homecoming!
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