Wednesday, October 10, 2012


September came and went very quickly. We were able to adjust to our new busy school schedule and made a quick trip to Yakima also.
Bradley started preschool at Doodlebug. He was SO excited and not at all nervous about going. He's been wanting to go there since Mackayla started there two years ago. He's loving it and had a great first month.

Jacob got to start Mommy school or Jacob school. Some days he likes to call in Mommy school and other days, it's Jacob school. He having fun learning his letters better.

On Labor day Jared took us on a little fishing outing. We didn't catch anything but had a great time playing by the water.

Jared painting Mackayla's toes for her.
Caitlin started eating baby foods this month. She's loving it!
Such a pretty girl!
Making smores one night with Julie, Lisa and kids
Mackayla started a ballet class this month also.
She even got to start doing gymnastics on Saturday mornings as well. She loves both of her classes.
Bradley has been wanting to take a gymnastics class also and so we signed him up for the four year old class. He actually just started at the beginning of October. He's had one class and LOVES it!
Caitlin is getting so big and smart. She's always smiling at us and is never lacking any attention!
Making a fruit pizza
Drinking Pepsi
Caitlin loves looking in the mirror.
This is another copycat picture from Mackayla.
Daddy and Caitlin doing tricks


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