Jacob turned 3! He changed his mind many times on what kind of a cake he wanted, but finally decided on a dragon cake. Jared and I worked together the night before to make this orange dragon.
The ward Fathers and Sons campout happened to be the night of Jacob's birthday. Jared came home a little early that day so we could have time for a birthday party before he took the boys camping.
We've been getting a lot of the fake or forced smiles from Jacob so his dad is tickling him here to get a real smile.
Playing in Jacob's new tent and tunnel
Handsome little birthday boy!
Ready to head out for the campout that evening.
This is the only picture Jared took while camping. They had a great time though, and all returned home safe, so I might let them go again next year. :)

While the guys were gone camping, us girls went shopping to find a new outfit for Mackayla for the 1st day of school. We also got a milkshake and then had a fun sleepover in Mommy's bed.
Jacob at 3~
Jacob is a very happy, very social little guy. He knows no stangers. He loves to talk and talk to anyone and everyone. He gets very wild and very loud, but is always making us laugh. He loves to play with Bradley and Mackayla all day long, and give kisses to his baby sister. He and Bradley love to wrestle, play lightsabers, do kung-fu, and just run and jump together. He plays so well with Mackayla, too. She takes very good care of him and is always watching out for him. Jacob is so happy when he wakes up IF his Daddy is still home. If he's already gone to work, Jacob will cry and cry. He loves his Daddy so much! He gives great hugs and cuddles to his Mommy too, though! He loves watching TV, playing the computer, popsicles, pretzles, swimming, going to nursery, and telling jokes.
Daddy and Caitlin working on the Ipad.
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