We had a fun Halloween!

Mackayla: Princess Bell

Bradley the Dragon

Jacob the cow
Mackayla loved trick or treating but was done after going just a little bit. This is all the candy she got but said it was enough. Jared and Bradley went back out and filled up his basket. I think Mackayla knew Bradley would share his candy so she wasn't worried about it. She loved helping me pass out the candy.

Quick dinner before trick or treating

Pumkin carving
The finished product

Eating "monsters" for dinner

Bradlely at the ward party

Mommy and Jacob at the ward party

I decided to get back into having a nice formal Sunday dinner at least once a month. The kids loved it and were so cute putting their napkins on their laps and practising their best manners.

Mackayla and Bradley decided on their own last week that it was time to potty train Bradley. He's been doing really good and LOVES sitting on the potty. I think he could really do it if I felt I had the time or energy right now to give it 100% For right now though, he's just wearing his big boy underwear on top of his diaper. :)

Help! Mackayla and Bradley are going to fall off the floor!
(This picture and caption are on the blog at the request of Mackayla)
Cute pictures! Why was Bradley crying in the one picture? It looks like you had a fun Halloween! Nice family dinner. Did the kids eat the monster dinner? Tell Mackayla and Bradly to stand on their heads so they won't fall. Also, tell them I want a brownie!
Your kids are so funny :) I love the falling off the celing picture & that they decided to potty train Bradley! That's great.
Glad you all had a fun Halloween.
Mackayla is so beautiful as Belle; everyone looks great. I understand the potty-training dilema - it really does require more attention than is usually possible with a baby. Good luck!
I felt really bad when I saw Mackayla's little bitty stash of candy. Grandma would have given her fist fulls! We have so much candy left -- the trick-or-treaters were slim in numbers this year. Love your sloppy joes! Very creative. And your table was beautiful for your formal dinner. Nice job!!!
I always loved having special formal dinners growing up, but I was usually the one who got all the formal wear out, so maybe I'll have to wait until I have a daughter to do it for me. :) Everybody looks great!
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