Good Bye
We've still got so much to do in the next few days. Between being sick, Jared being really busy at work, and all my pregnancy related back problems we're a bit behind schedule. And of course, with perfect timing, I also have jury duty this week. We're so glad our rescue squad (Dad and Mom Jones) will be here Thursday night to help us finish up and move.
We've been promising Mackayla we'd go to the Bean Museum for FHE, and we took a few minutes tonight to run up there. The big Elephant is back - if anyone wants to go check it out. Bradley loves elephants in general, and he LOVED seeing this one.

nice cute blog !!
I just got caught up on your blog. We read Pinkalicious every night so that was fun to see. Michelle got the book Fancy Nancy for easter. You probably know about it, but I thought I'd tell you in case you haven't read it yet. Cute pictures! I'm outside these days, so stop by the backyard or call if we can help. Your kids can come play in the sandbox and toys any time. You can too of course.
That's crazy that you have jury duty! Good luck with the move, and take it easy, Melissa, so you don't break your back.
You have jury duty for three months!?! That is crazy! Don't lift to much or you will become like Mom. I wish I could help babysit, but I have to work. I would rather babysit some days.
Good luck with all the moving fun! Your new house will be so much fun to make so many new memories in. We love reading your blog and seeing the monkeys getting so big. Thanks for sharing their personalities. :)
Love you!
The Texas Nevin Family
Nice elephant! Michael Anne (& myself) LOVE the Bean Museum. Have you ever gone to the dinosaur museum? It's just down across from the stadium (west side) in the huge parking lot. We love that too!
Fancy Nancy is the best. She's so elaborate & silly. One of Michael Anne's friends had a Fancy Nancy birthday party. It was so fun. They invited all the girls to wear a "party" dress & then they had boas & dress up jewelry for everyone. The even had a "fancy" chair and each girl go to have her picture taken in it & then the mom sent us all copies of our kid. So fun & cute too!
Good luck with the move on Sat. Wish we were going to be there to help you.
Glad your trial got over. Now you can say you sent someone to the "big house" (for you youngsters, that means jail).
I checked today to see if there are any new house pictures up and to see how the move went. I know how devoted you are to blogging...I thought for sure you'd have a post by now! :) Hope you didn't put yourself into early labor. Love you guys!
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