We had a pretty uneventful April fools Day. Poor Jared not only had to work on this nice holiday, but even had to work late! Since he didn't make it home for dinner we saved our special drinks (jello) for a bedtime snack after he got home. Mackayla didn't remember it from last year and thought it was great. Jared informed me later that he knew all along what our special drink was going to be....as if I thought he had forgotten and would really be fooled. I tried all day to get Mackayla to help me play a trick or joke on Daddy, but they only joke she would tell him was "why did the chicken cross the road?" She said that was her favorite joke and she didn't want to do anything else. The real highlight of the day was that I made our bed funny so that when Jared got in bed he didn't have a sheet. I don't think he was that amused, but I laughed HARD for a LONG time!
The kids have loved our new furniture collection in the middle of our family room.
I think that last month I was bragging too much about how we never get sick because now we seem to be having a hard time staying healthy around here. Thursday night Bradley and I both ended up with some kind of stomach flu and were throwing up all night. It was horrible! Thankfully, Jared was able to take care of us and had to clean up a lot of fun messes from our sick little boy. We're finally feeling better from that, but now Mackayla, Bradley and I have all developed a cough. I'm certainly not going to complain about a cough, though, when at least no one is throwing up anymore!
We enjoyed a nice conference weekend. We didn't get much done off our big "to-do" list since we weren't feeling good, but still enjoyed all four sessions of general conference.
~Jared and the kids listening to the prophet~

They of course, talked a lot about temples at conference and since we'll be moving very soon I started realizing how much we'll miss living in walking distance of the temple. We still won't be very far, but it was so nice to be able to take the kids on a walk to the temple or just to pass by as we're running errands. Since we finally had a nice day today, we decided to go walk around the temple for family home evening tonight. It was so much easier to teach Mackayla a little more about the temple as we walked around it rather than try to keep her sitting long enough in our house to hear anything.
They of course, talked a lot about temples at conference and since we'll be moving very soon I started realizing how much we'll miss living in walking distance of the temple. We still won't be very far, but it was so nice to be able to take the kids on a walk to the temple or just to pass by as we're running errands. Since we finally had a nice day today, we decided to go walk around the temple for family home evening tonight. It was so much easier to teach Mackayla a little more about the temple as we walked around it rather than try to keep her sitting long enough in our house to hear anything.
Jared and I were talking about our upcoming move when Mackayla said, "When our new house gets old could we get one thats a bit smaller?" I'm a little nervous about living in such a big house too! :)
Melissa, your kids are too cute!!! I love the picture of them sitting at the computer. That is funny how Bradley asks his big sister to play so he can watch!!!
I liked the idea to actually let your children touch the temple. We also have family night planned for next Monday to go up to the SLC temple & take the tour.
Hope your coughs pass quickly!
I think you guys are more sick than I am this year. And that is weird. But, I hope you get better soon. Mackayla's hair is getting really long! Your kids are really cute. I am happy for you that your kids get along. Good luck on your move to the new house!
Congratulations on owning (or is that OWEING) a house! Hope you are all feeling better. I think I might try that temple touching stuff myself!
Looks like a beautiful day for walking to and touching the temple. We've been getting snow here! Your kids really are sweet and funny - I wish we could visit with them more often. Glad you're feeling better!
A sister in our ward shared that each time their family drove by a temple when her kids were growing up, they'd pull over and let the kids go touch the temple. I thought that was such a cool tradition. Unfortunately we have not begun it yet! Good for you guys and yes, how sad to not be around the corner from a temple. That's like my biggest dream!
I hope your kids didn't get the temple too dirty.
You were probably asleep for the second half of that talk, but they said touch the temple only with clean hands and a pure heart.
That reminds me, it's that time of year again. I should probably call you sometime soon to explain all those things they were talking about at Conference.
That was so thoughtful of you to title your post after me!
Good idea about making the bed funny to trick Jared. I'm going to have to remember that next year.
I was laying in bed last night thinking about your recent throw-up problem. I think I've solved the mystery...could you be pregnant?
That's it! Bradley must be pregnant too!
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