Bradley spent the entire last week sick and miserable. We had a hard time keeping his fever down, especially at night and he was so stuffed up he could hardly breath. I was up with him the whole night for many nights in a row. I absolutely love holidays, even St. Patricks day, but because of the no sleep thing I was so out of it I didn't even realize it was St. Patricks Day until mid-morning. I had to redress everyone and tried to still make it a fun day for Mackayla. Jared had a very busy week at work (and was also sick) and so he didn't make it home in time for dinner. We had a very simple dinner of green eggs and toast.
After Jared got home we were able to enjoy some green pudding with him before bed.
The kids playing twister
Jared working out with Bradley.
The potty train
We're so happy spring is finally here and are loving spending time outdoors again.
Grandpa and Grandma Hatfield arrived this weekend for a visit and we are all loving having them here!
Grandma getting her hair done by Mackayla and Bradley
The family resting at Cabellas
The Jones Family
Bradley was interested in purchasing this truck-tent thing and decided to try it out. He thought it was great but has to save a little money first.

Our big news of the week is that things have finally worked out and we are buying a house! We will probably be closing in the next couple weeks. It's a big house in Lehi that was bank owned and we got an amazing deal on it. Anyway, we've got a lot to do and think about now as a move is in the near future!
Congrats... I'm glad to hear everyone is starting to be on the up and up!
Your kids are sure cuties -- and so smart! Thanks for letting us come join in on your family fun this week. We're having a great time!
The house is fabulous!!!
Congratulations!!! That will be wonderful. Is your home anywhere near Lisa? That would also be fun to have cousins so close for the kids!
I'm glad the boys are feeling better. Hopefully you can catch up on your rest a little too!!
We are excited about your house - sounds like a great deal! I'm glad Bradley is feeling better and hope that everybody is getting more rest. Enjoy Grandma and Grandpa!
YAY! I want to hear all about the house! And I love the potty training picture, too cute.
Congrats on the house! Let's see some belly pictures.
I don't think anyone would have thought less of you if you had cancelled St. Patrick's day altogether with a pregnancy and two sickies at your house! We're excited for you and a little jealous by the steal of a deal you guys got on your house. How awesome is that!?!
Hi Melissa. You don't know me, I went to highschool with Jared. I just have to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You remind me of myself. It's always good to read about someone else who's going through the same ups and downs with their kids as me. I have 5 of my own and the 3rd was really the hardest adjustment. Get ready! Congrats on the house. Moving during your "nesting" phase is so awesome!
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