Since becoming parents, I'm sure sleep is something we'll never take for granted again. The nights were actually going great for awhile and then for the last few weeks both kids have quit sleeping. They have also moved their wake up time to 5:30-6:00am. I really wanted to get pictures of the kids sleeping. Not just because children look like peaceful little angles when they are asleep, but because their sleeping represents something wonderful to me...a time when I can sleep!
Ever since Mackayla was a baby, we've had to stick to the most exact routine to get her to actually sleep. Now that she's a little older she doesn't need the routine so much, but her bed has to be set up EXACTLY right. Hoppy, her bunny, needs to be right beside her. Then she first needs her Cinderella blanket on. Next, the big pink blanket, and finally the sheet and comforter casually flopped on top of her. If everything is not just right she will not settle down.

This picture is a rare treasure to me. I didn't think I'd ever get a good picture of Mackayla sleeping in her bed since she never takes naps and she gets up long before the sun rises so it's always dark when she's sleeping. However, on friday, after throwing a LONG screaming fit in her bed (because I tried to make her get dressed, I know I'm a horrible mother) she actually fell asleep. I put Bradley down at the same time and had both kids asleep for almost two hours! I got so much done in that time. I can't even imagine how different my life would be and how much I would accomplish if I had an hour or two to myslef every afternoon. Although, I do enjoy having some Mommy & Mackayla time every day while Bradley is sleeping.
I've been getting up MANY times each night between getting the kids back to sleep and needing to go to the bathroom (pregnancy). Last night the kids both slept all night and I was so out of it I didn't wake up at all! I slept for six straight hours!! Then I woke up with a rare migraine that I think was triggered because my body wasn't use to so much sleep. Isn't that a funny thing?!
Our Little School BoyBradley is 16 months already so Mackayla and I decided it was time for him to start going to school. :) Mackayla wanted to help be a teacher for Bradley's school. She rings the school bell (it's imaginary), and they both get so excited. This week we have been teaching him his colors. He loves pointing to all of them and saying their names. With Mackayla helping, the first color we worked on was, of course, pink.
Each day we do a march to practice the color. Bradley LOVES it.
This is a picture of him doing the march that went...
Marching! Marching! Marching!
Touch your head!
Marching! Marching! Marching!
Can you find something red?

This is Bradley's favorite place to watch TV. We keep having to move him back.

Bradley asking his Dad for some tips on using the potty.

Our little snowman

I gave Mackayla a couple of old tank tops I used to exercise in and told her they could be her dancing shirts. She loves to put them on and dance. Last week while her Grandpa and Grandma were in Hawaii she wanted to do the hula dance.