Mackayla and Bradley are becoming better friends every day. They play cards together, read books, have tummy time, and do whatever else Mackayla wants to do at the moment. Bradley is a good sport and joins in the fun whenever mommy or daddy help him out. Following are a few pictures of the two of them hanging out.

Mackayla set up a little tea party where everyone gets to drink lemonade. Lots of fun!

Bradley watching Mackayla take a bath. "Hey dad, can I get in too? That looks like so much fun!"

Typical happy, smiley face Bradley. He is always so smiley. He is such a good kid, even though mommy is trying to get him to sleep in his own bed at night. He'll be 4 months old in a week or so, and maybe he'll have to start crying it out a little if his mom can handle it. Right now he starts out in his crib and moves to mommy and daddy's bed after about 4-6 hours.

Our little courgar! The shirt is 6 months and hardly fits him because, like his father, he is a little broad across the chest!

Mackayla is also doing great. She has decided to eliminate the nap from her daily routine, but then crashes out around 8 every night. That's fine with her parents, because when she does take a nap she's a little night owl up until 10:30 or later. Additionally, she has started eating much better than she ever has. Granted, she isn't up to Jaden's 4 pieces of french toast in the morning, but she holds her own with 2-3 sometimes. Last week she got to go to a Jazz game with her dad. She had a great time with her popcorn and fizzy drink, and even noticed the mascots too. Her dad isn't sure if she realized it was a basketball game. Just kidding, she loved the basketball part too.

*Photo of the Week*

This is a new feature on our blog page. There will be remarkable photos of my family, such as this one, each post and here comes the good news... for only $19.99 you can purchase one of these pictures. Just let me know when you want one. I will email you the file and you can print as many copies and enlargements as you'd like.
I would like one of the pictures. My, my, my. How fast your kids are growing. They are so darling! I can't wait to see you guys again!
What a bargain, sign me up! I already know exactly where I will hang my 11x14 blow up of Jared and Bradley.
Bradley is definately trying to compete with his cousins for chubby cheeks and no neck.
That BYU shirt on Bradley makes him look like he's all tied up! A little tight, eh? I'm glad to hear that Mackayla is eating more. She's turning into such a little girl now. They both are so sweet. I think Bradley is looking a lot like Mackayla now. Both of them are mixes of you and Jared.
It was great seeing you guys at the airport on Saturday! Bradley is really getting big and Mackayla is so smart. All 4 of you are cuties!!!
Love your new "pink" page! Very festive.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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