I'm so excited! Jared made us a bookshelf for Mackayla's room this morning and her room finally looks organized!! We still have to paint it, but that'll be a project for another weekend. Jared did a great job and was glad he finally got to put his new nail guns to use. Mackayla really seems to like it, and all her toys seem "new" because she can actually see them.
Jared posing for a picture. Hard at work!
We all know who really did the work!
Bradley teaches daddy about nail guns and air compressors.

I've decided to put Mackayla in preschool. It will be the Jones Preschool here at our house :) I was talking to April earlier this week about some children's craft ideas, and decided to go downstairs and dig out my old stuff from teaching preschool. I had forgotten how much stuff and ideas I had! The class I worked with, the Chipmunks, were the two year olds, so everything I have is perfect for Mackayla. I've been trying to do more crafts and projects with her lately, but I've decided to be a little more formal about it now. I'll try to have some time each morning for our "school." I'm going to have a theme each week as we did at the preschool center and do games, songs, books, and projects related to the theme. I have lots of ideas from all my old lesson plans so let me know if anyone wants some. I think I'll start out with some spring type themes for the next few weeks, such as birds, flowers, bugs, Easter, bunnies, etc... and see how it goes. I'm pretty sure she'll love it. Hopefully, we can even invite a friend or two over at times to join Mackayla.

We made white chocalate chip cookies on Friday night, and cookie dough was eaten by all. If you look closely at the picture you'll see that Mackayla decided she needed to taste each of the cookies as they came out of the oven. She got a few tasted before Jared caught her and put a stop to that (she was only taking one bite out of each!).
Bradley is just starting to attempt to scoot around. He has rolled over from his tummy to his back, but we don't think that he had any idea of what he had done.
We stopped for Sonic drinks after getting some groceries, and Mackayla invented this new olympic sport - cream slushy eating with chop sticks (about as sensible as eating rice with chop sticks, and just as messy!).

Bradley was not about to be left out of this one.