Thursday, October 4, 2007

Only One More Week

We have exactly one week left until the official due date. With Mackayla, we were hoping so bad that she would be early. This time we're hoping he doesn't come before the due date. Jared has four tests to take and a paper to write before next Thursday. Also, our help (my parents) aren't getting here until the 10th. We have the camera's charged and my bag packed though in case he does decide to come early. We're getting so excited for "baby brother" to arrive. The little guy is always moving like crazy inside and I can't wait to actually hold him in my arms. I think Mackayla is getting excited too. She seems to understand a little bit more now that he will be coming out soon. I'm hoping she makes the adjustment well. I've included a few pictures that show why I'm a little worried she's not quite ready to give up her role as the baby yet.
This is Mackayla laying in the baby's crib. She loves to get in and watch the mobile.
We brought up the bouncer chair a couple weeks ago to get it ready for the baby. Mackayla has claimed it as her chair and LOVES to sit in it. She often takes her milk to the chair and falls asleep for a little nap.


ronandlindahatfield said...

Hang tight -- we'll be there soon!

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

Good luck! I should try to plan a bunch of stuff around my next due date so that my baby will come early for once! Not fair. :)

April said...

Mackayla actually isn't that big for the bouncing chair. If it gets her to take a nap I say let her go for it and the little one and use something else.
I really hope you don't beat me to the punch...or should I say push.

Heather said...

Mackayla sure is cute. Cute pictures!

Danielle and Derek said...

Whatever you do, don't play Settlers - that sent me into labor with Ethan. Though apparantly it hasn't worked for April yet tonight.