Tomorrow Bradley will be two weeks old. It's hard to believe that only two weeks ago I was still pregnant. We have all seemed to adjust well to our family of four. Mackayla LOVES her little brother and always wants to hold him. She loves to help us take care of him, and is so good at talking to him in her sweet baby voice. Bradley is sleeping pretty well. He's still waking up every two or three hours to eat, but always goes right back to sleep. I just wish we could say that Mackayla was also sleeping well. Its usualy late before we can get her to fall asleep, and then many morning she comes in to wake us up around five or six. We're loving spending time with both our children.
Bradley really likes his crib. He hasn't slept in it at night yet since he's still sleeping in a bassinet in our room.
A lot of mornings end up with all four of us laying in our bed.
We had the stroller sitting on the floor the other day, and Mackayla thought it was so fun to just sit on it. She spent a long time playing there.
When do we get to see the picture of all four of you up in the bed together? It looks like Mackayla is taking good care of Bradley Mack.
Looks like you are having fun with your growing family. 2 kids! Can you believe it??
Happy Halloween!!!
That's a beeeeautiful family!
Mackayla is sooo cute. And Bradley too!
Congratulacions! You have a great family!
Such cute pictures! I especially like Mackayla in awe of her dad shaving. I just want to hold baby Bradley - so sweet!
Cute Pitcures and Cute Kids! Wish I could see the kids in real life.
Those were great shots. I really think Bradley looks like his dad and Mackayla looks just like her mommy. They are so cute. Too bad he'll be big when we finally get to meet him in person! Keep the pictures coming so we don't miss too much.
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