Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween and October

This year we had a butterfly, a vampire, a minion, and Abby Cadabby for trick-or-treating. Halloween was a fun day. It was also Bradley's baptism that morning.
These individual pictures were taken before the ward Halloween party, a couple days before Halloween.

Caitlin wanted to by Elmo for this party.
Family picture at the ward party. My mom and I set up the picture background.
 Jared and Melissa on their way to a party with some friends
This was Friday morning before school.
This was a last minute decision of Caitlin's to be Abby again on Halloween night.
Ready for trick-or-treating
We usually try to face time both sets of grandparents on Halloween so they can see the kids all dressed up. Because of Bradley's baptism, we got to have all the grandparents there with us. What a special treat!
Looking at all the candy she got.
Jacob and Cannon. The Holts joined us that night.

Hanging out with Papa
Aunt Heather all dressed up
Jacob loved getting to visit with Grandma Jones over the weekend.
The rest of October was also filled with fun. Here they are cleaning out pumpkins, and getting ready to carve them.
Their jack-o-lanterns.
I've enjoyed getting to run with the kids at mileage club once or twice a week. I run with Mackayla for the first half hour, and then they boys for the next half hour.
Caitlin always looks so stylish when we drop the kids off at school in the mornings.
She always wants her picture taken with the dog if we go to Target.
Helping Daddy wash his truck one morning
Mackayla got her braces on! She'll have an oral surgery soon to hook a chain onto that lost tooth, and then we can finally pull it down. It's been over two years that she's had that empty space, so this is very exciting.
I got to go with Jacob on his kindergarten field trip to a pumpkin farm. He's always ready to pose!
This is a very typical Jacob face right now. He has a natural swagger that seems to come out for most pictures. So cute! Posing with Isabella.

Riding my bike with my little doggie outside of our storage shed.
  • Bradley planted a pumpkin seed in a cup last spring at school. It never sprouted but he didn't give up on it. We hauled that little cup of dirt all the way on our move here. Then one day it miraculously started growing. The plant grew like crazy, but no pumpkins! Then at the end of summer, one pumpkin finally started to grow. It never turned orange but this lone pumpkin is very special!!
Helping make an apple pie
They decided to make it look like a jack-o-lantern
Bradley wanted to paint his green pumpkin orange
Everybody had wonderfully messy spaghetti faces one evening.

The entire time Jared was building the tour house, the kids would play in the house, and they each had their own room that was their "house." They wanted their pictures in their houses before he sold it.

This was Halloween weekend also.

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