Our little leprechaun family on St. Patrick's Day

On the morning of St. Patrick's Day we enjoyed a green breakfast with the Nelsons and Chelsea

Bradley wasn't feeling good that evening.

The kids went on their annual scavenger hunt for the pot of gold.

They found it in a dark closet
Mackayla got to be the Star Of The Week at school. She made and took this poster in to her class, and we got to go watch her
presentation as she told her class about herself.
A big event that occurred this month was that Mackayla lost her first tooth. It was getting very loose, and one night after she was done brushing her teeth she noticed it was gone. I finally found the tooth on the floor, and we were able to have our first visit from the tooth fairy. She is just about to lose her other bottom tooth now.

Jacob will sometimes lay down on the kitchen floor with his feet in front of the vent to warm his feet up in the morning.

A close up of the cute little guy.

Bradley completed another class of
Itty Bitty Ball this month. This time they learned about a bunch of different sports. This is on the football day.
Jared's nesting instinct has really kicked in, and he had been working hard all month on our to-do list. :)

Jared has spent quite a bit of time after work
during this month refinishing
Mackayla's dresser, a new little dresser for the baby, and our changing table. They all look great. At the end of the month we put up the crib and got
Mackayla's room all ready to share with her baby
Mackayla is SO excited for her to move in, and loved helping us get all the baby things organized!
Mackayla got to go to a Fancy Nancy tea party at her cousin Sophie's house.

One night for Family Home Evening, Jacob was in charge of the activity and wanted everyone to play Star Wars and drive spaceships.

Little baseball player

At the beginning of March, we finally had a couple days of snow. The kids loved playing in the snow and getting pulled around the yard in the sled. The boys loved to put their faces right down in the snow to eat it. Their poor little cheeks were bright red!
1 comment:
It looks like March was a very fun month at the Jones house! Can't wait to see all of you soon!!
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