I turned 32 this year! Bradley and Mackayla made me some cupcakes. After Mackayla's dance class, we met Jared at Cafe Rio for dinner. Then we came home and I just hung out for awhile while everyone else frosted the cupcakes and wrapped some presents.

My children are always so helpful. By the time I tried to blow out the candles they had already blown them all out but one!

Jacob really enjoyed the cupcakes!

Bradley loved the frosting!

Ready to open presents

Cards from the kids
Making the cupcakes earlier that afternoon.

The couple days before my birthday I suddenly came down with a HORRIBLE rash that covered me from head to toe. It was miserable! I was at the Dr's office for that on the 7t
h when they discovered that my amniotic fluids were very low. They wanted me to come back as soon as possible for a full ultrasound since that could indicate something very wrong with the baby or pregnancy. The soonest they could get me in was the morning of the 9
th. Between that and the rash my birthday wasn't exactly relaxing. I appreciated all that my kids and husband did to make me feel special that day though!
As a follow up to that story, they couldn't see anything wrong with the baby in the ultrasound but wanted me to have another one at the hospital to double check. It was a huge relief and we also found out that it is a baby girl!! We just had our hospital ultrasound last week and again they couldn't find anything wrong with our baby but the fluids were still low. We are suppose to go back in one month for another one. If they still see no problems we will then go back to our regular doctor visits.
We had one small snow so far this year at the beginning of the month. The kids had fun walking around in their boots in the snow.
Mackayla had to disguise this turkey for school so it wouldn't be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. She dressed her Turkey as a princess.
Jabob is soo cute eating that cupcake!! Glad you had a nice birthday and really glad that your baby girl is looking good!!
We're so grateful for good news on baby girl! And Happy Birthday Melissa. Sorry it was stressful, but so happy it all turned out well.
That's the way I like to eat a cupcake too, except it's not nearly as cute so we don't take a picture.
So glad that all is well with the baby - we can't wait to meet her!!
Im glad things have turned out better & that you had a nice bday even with a lot of stressful things going on! The kids are so cute ;) I think it is so funny how little ones LOVE the snow, even just a dusting, they've just got to get all bundled up & get out in it before the afternoon sun melts it away!
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