Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hatfield Family in Yakima

We went back up to Washington for the last couple weeks in July. Everyone was there for about 4 days, and we packed in a ton of fun during those few days. Jared flew back home Sunday night to work for the week, and then came back up Friday morning. Derek's family was gone to Utah by the time Jared rejoined us, so we just spent some time relaxing at Mom and Dad's house at the end of our trip. It was a whole lot easier on me to just break all my pictures up into a bunch of posts so here they all are...

Family pictures! The Hatfield family now numbers 24 and is still growing.

The original group

Why not?

The Jones Family

With so many children, things always end up getting out of control

Mackayla, Eden, and Meagan. The only Hatfield girl cousins. Each five years apart.


ronandlindahatfield said...

What a good looking family you have Melissa!

April said...

We really are a good looking group! Does that mean that it's going to be another 4 years before I get a girl?!

Heather said...

What a nice family you have!!!!

Danielle and Derek said...

Such a fun time - we should do this every year! We sure loved seeing you guys and, as usual, wish it wasn't such a rare thing to get to play with cousins.