We spent the next day boating
Jared and Mackayla heading out for their first ride

Bradley enjoying the ride

Jacob fell asleep
while we were out on the ride

Jared and
Mackayla getting ready for a ride on the tube.
Mackayla loved it, and didn't find it at all scary.

Jared and Bradley, who also loved it.

Mackayla, and Bradley hanging out

Jared, Jacob, and April at the food table

Grandpa is still not too old for tubing

This big tube was an easier ride, and even Jacob went on this one. He didn't care for the wind blowing in his face, but overall had a good time.
Jaden, Derek, Bryce, and
Mackayla going for a ride. I had to include this picture because Bryce had fallen asleep during his ride...so cute!

After getting cleaned up and ready to head home, I saw
Mackayla and told her she was suppose to stay clean since we had already cleaned her up. She insisted she wasn't dirty. There weren't any mirrors so I took this picture to show her. All the kids were FILTHY from playing in the dirt around the trees.

We had a great day at the River. My dad did a lot of work getting the boats ready, and my mom also did a lot of work getting the food and such together. I'm sure they were completely worn out by the time this weekend was over. We really appreciate all they did, though, and love all the memories we made with the entire family together.
That was a lot of DIRTY kids! Mackayla looked cute, dirty or not!
Nice job riding the waves!!
That was a fun day also!
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