Jacob turned 2! He practiced blowing out his candles for weeks and at last his birthday finally came. He wanted a "Monkey George" (curious George) cake this year. Mackayla and Bradley made and decorated the banana cookies around the cake for him.
George hanging out of this tree
Jacob is quite the little swimmer, so Bradley picked out some goggles for his present to Jacob.
Jacob and Lexi
Jacob loves his new big boy underwear
He also loved his golf set, but is only allowed to play now with close supervision. He just found too many uses for the golf clubs. :)
Opening a puzzle
A water table
Blowing out candles

There is so much to say about this cute little boy. He loves his morning milk and cartoons every day. He is a wonderful sleeper (the best so far), but is usually the first one awake every morning. He cries if Daddy leaves for work before he gets up in the morning, spends all day saying he wants Daddy home, and can't wait to play tag with him when he gets there in the evening. He loves to play with Mackayla (still called "Gaga" most of the time) and Bradley. He talks like crazy, is starting to use whole sentences, is constantly using bigger words, and loves to tell jokes. Hide-and-seek and tag are some of his favorite games, and he will adamantly tell you "shhhh" if you're hiding with him. He loves to swim and take baths, and generally anything to do with water. He is super cuddly and loves to give hugs and kisses all the time. Every night he runs to Mommy to take him to the stairs for bed, but prefers that his Daddy tuck him in. We love him so very much!
He also loved his golf set, but is only allowed to play now with close supervision. He just found too many uses for the golf clubs. :)
There is so much to say about this cute little boy. He loves his morning milk and cartoons every day. He is a wonderful sleeper (the best so far), but is usually the first one awake every morning. He cries if Daddy leaves for work before he gets up in the morning, spends all day saying he wants Daddy home, and can't wait to play tag with him when he gets there in the evening. He loves to play with Mackayla (still called "Gaga" most of the time) and Bradley. He talks like crazy, is starting to use whole sentences, is constantly using bigger words, and loves to tell jokes. Hide-and-seek and tag are some of his favorite games, and he will adamantly tell you "shhhh" if you're hiding with him. He loves to swim and take baths, and generally anything to do with water. He is super cuddly and loves to give hugs and kisses all the time. Every night he runs to Mommy to take him to the stairs for bed, but prefers that his Daddy tuck him in. We love him so very much!
On an older note, Jared turned 32! I asked him what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, and he quickly responded that he wanted an alligator cake because he thought the kids would like that...so that's what he got.
His birthday was on a Sunday so it was nice getting to spend the whole day with him, relaxing and celebrating. It was pouring rain that day, so we tried out the croquet set he got inside.
Before opening presents
After opening presents
He's nice and strong and very good looking.
Apparently, I need to come up with some better dinner conversation. A couple weeks ago, Jared started to doze off at the dinner table while I was talking to him. If anyone knows any good jokes, send them over.
A local store had the Kung Fu Panda visiting one day. We had to go see him since Bradley is one of his biggest fans! Bradley is actually a kung fu master himself.
Hooray for spaghetti!
We finally bought a monthly pass to the City rec center. So, we've been spending a lot of time at the big aquatic center there. For the same price it would have cost to put Mackayla and Bradley in swim lessons for a few weeks, the whole family could sign up for a couple months at the center and have full access to the pool and gym. We decided that was a better option, so every time we go, Jared spends 10 or 15 mins with each of the kids giving them swimming lessons. They LOVE it there! When they don't have our individual attention they wear a life jacket or floaty shirt thing and are very independent in the water then.
Floating the lazy river
Bradley going down on of the slides
He's nice and strong and very good looking.
I had some projects lined up for Jared after he got his router saw for Father's Day. This was the first one. We took pictures of the boys in the big trucks at Jared's work then blew them up and Jared cut out some wood to glue them on to. They're hanging in the boys' room now.
The kids love reading about some of the funny things they have said or done, so I am going to try to write more of them down here.
Two nights ago, Mackayla came into our bedroom at 4 AM, wide awake. I was completely out of it and groggy (it was 4!), but asked her what she needed. She then asked me how many seconds there were until it was time to wake up. I told her, "I don't know. You need to go back to bed for at least 3 hours." To which she replied, "No! Not hours. How many seconds?" I wasn't about to do the calculations at that time, so I told her that there were "like a million seconds left" and took her back to bed. I told Jared the story when we woke up in the morning, and he called her over and told her how many seconds were in 3 hours (10,800). Next time she better wake him up since he has all the answers!