Mackayla: the preschool graduate!
She had to miss her preschool graduation since we were in Yakima, so we had a graduation for her there. Her teacher gave her the diploma on her last day of school, but she didn't want to open it until her actual graduation. It was a perfect little 10 minute program with her family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. She sang two songs that they had been learning at Doodlebug for the graduation. Then Amy played Pomp and Circumstance on the piano as she marched around the room. We gave her the diploma and announced her a graduate. Everyone clapped and she threw her cap into the air. She was wearing my cap from my high school graduation. She requested cookies as the dessert, which Grandma had gladly made.
Congratulations Mackayla! You are a very smart girl and the very best student Doodle-Bug preschool ever had. (The prettiest too!)
Congrats Mackayla!!!!
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