Saturday, January 30, 2010

A New Year!

We've enjoyed the first month of this new year. Here's what's been going on in the Jones' house this month.
We've been working on getting Jacob to eat baby foods. He was getting really sick from the rice cereal, so we've skipped that for now and have been trying to get him to eat veggies and fruits. This picture shows the face he makes after every bite. We still can't get him to leave any of the vegetables in his mouth, but he now will at least eat apple sauce and peaches. This has been much trickier than getting the first two kids to start eating foods.
Jared spent a week in Las Vegas for the International Builders Show. He knew I was dreading him being gone, so he arranged a while ago to fly his mom up to help me out and keep me company while he was gone. It was very nice of him and so nice of her to come! Instead of going crazy and being so lonely for the whole time, we had a great time! The kids were in heaven playing hide and seek, coloring, and reading books with Nini.

Jared's parents gave us a wheat grinder for Christmas. His grandma gave us some wheat and other bread making items so, while Mom Jones was here, I had her teach me the "ways of the wheat." She showed me how to use my wheat grinder and how to make some delicious bread.
Here are the kids making rolls with Nini.
Mackayla loving the home made bread

Our tub is starting to get really full as Jacob occasionally joins them in the bath now.

Our cute little duck

While I shower I usually put Jacob in a bassinet right by the shower where I can make sure he's ok and protected from his brother. Mackayla is so good about playing with him and keeping him happy while I'm in the shower, but when I got out the other day, Mackayla was no where around but I found this little bunny. She loves to dress him up!

Jacob enjoys his computer time
Jared is particularly excited for Jacob to get big enough to play with Bradley since Bradley's best friend is Mackayla; thus he plays with many "girlie" toys. I had to call Jared the other week with some good news for him. Bradley was playing dolls with Mackayla but he then asked me to bring him his tool box because he needed his drill to fix her dress. The boy in him does still shine through!
Mackayla loves to play dress up, and Bradley, being only two, doesn't see the harm in joining in.
Mackayla got a new dress the other day and was having a wonderful time trying it on. Bradley, of course, wanted a turn too. He looked very pretty! :)
When Bradley has one of his two year old melt-downs, he usually runs and throws himself down on the floor outside our pantry. He has titled this area "my crying room." He has fallen asleep here a couple of times.

Some other big news for Bradley is that he is in the process of POTTY TRAINING! He has been without a diaper for two fulls days and has done great! We're crossing our fingers, praying, and doing whatever else we can, in the hopes that it continues to go this smoothly!!

Mackayla has been such a good helper and even takes Bradley potty by herself sometimes. She helps him get his underwear off, praises him when he does his business, and is so sweet about it the whole time. When Mackayla was born, many people told me it was going to be so wonderful to have a girl first beacuse she would be such a good helper with the other children. This is SO true now! She's the best big sister and the most wonderful helper for her mom!!
That's our summary of January! Hurry up spring!


Sarah Heder said...

That one part really cracked me up! The part about Bradley needing his drill so he could fix his sister's dress. That's so cute! I think it's adorable that he's still got his nice boy side to him, even when he's dressed up as a princess. Ha! Ha!

You got some cute kids there!

Heather said...

I love Bradley's face in the making the rools picture! Bradley makes a beautiful girl. Haha. Mackayla IS a GREAT big sister! Jacob is getting big and he is still cute!

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

It wouldn't be such a big deal that Bradley dresses up, except that he really looks "pretty." You might have the next Brad Pitt or one of those other pretty faced boys on your hands.

Sorry about the Jacob food thing. Have you asked your doctor? I wonder if he has allergies?

Rachel said...

Bradley really is SO cute! Good grief. And I'm totally jealous that you had a girl first!

Danielle and Derek said...

My computer hasn't been refreshing blogs for some reason and I just noticed this post. Your kids are all so smart and adorable. I agree that it's been nice to have a girl first. Good luck with the potty-training! We're still working on consistancy around here - some days are better than others.