Mackayla had her 4th birthday at the beginning of the month. She's proud to be a four year old and becoming so much more independent!
We got back into town from Yakima, the evening before her birthday. So, after we got unpacked and settled a bit I quickly made her a castle cake, as requested. By morning, one tower had already fallen over and the cake was starting to lean but she didn't care at all. She thought it was wonderful so I considered the cake a success anyway.

Mackayla was delighted to have her cousin, Sophie, at the party. The Nelson's were in town so it made it an extra special day that we got to have them over also.

Jacob and his newest cousin Lexy just hanging out together.

Mackayla didn't want to have two birthday parties but we finally talked her into having a "practice party" in Yakima before we left. She wanted pink cupcakes for that party. She also thought we should have green cupcakes in case some of the boys didn't want to eat a pink one.

She sure LOVES her baby brother and is always taking good care of him.

We had a little post-christmas party with Papa and Nini via web-cam.
We opened the gifts from them and wanted to share the occassion with them so we brought the laptop in and did a video call.
Happy Birthday to Mackayla! Michael Anne says being four was fun so hopefully you will love it too!
Melissa, what an awesome cake! I'm totally impressed. Falling over or not, I'm with Mackayla...very cool! :)
Happy Birthday Mackayla! You guys sure know how to have a party!!
can you believe you have a 4 yr old?!?! where does the time go?? I remember when you had her -- she is such a beautiful 4 yr old :)
I meant to say that your cake rocks!! what a good mom!! had I gotten home the day before, it would have been store bought all the way!!
Beautiful cake and beautiful girl. Happy Birthday, Mackayla!
I'm glad you made it home to party. Everything turned out great Melissa! Can you buy those steeples/towers or do you make them? Very cute!
Very fancy! Glad that the real party was a sucess! Jacob and Lexy looked like they were having a awesome time together.
Great cake for a GREAT girl!! We had fun at Mackayla's practice party. It was my first practice party and it was all it was cracked up to be!
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