Sunday, July 26, 2009


Jared planted the seed and in just a couple of weeks we will see the results of his hard work!
I, of course, am talking about his grass seed in the yard, pictured behind me. After another 8 hours in the heat yesterday, our yard is offically done! The sprinklers work great, the seed is all layed and we just have to wait for the grass to grow in! Jared has worked so hard getting this all done and I can promise we'll never take our yard for granted once it comes in. Jared is excited to be able to actually relax once in a while after work and we are SO EXCITED that he'll be able to spend more time with us rather than in the yard all the time.
This is a picture of the big event- spreading the grass seed!

We spent a lot of Pioneer Day working in the yard (actually Jared worked and we played in the sprinkler) but did take advantage of being able to do fireworks that night.

Mackayla on her "water slide"
Bradley helping Daddy

I always think about Derek and Danielle's blog about "inconvenient truths." One of theirs was the boys sleeping in their bed. That is one of our inconvenient truths right now. With the baby coming so soon, one of the things we wanted to get fixed was Bradley's sudden bad night habits. He's been waking up in the middle of the night screaming and since I'm SO tired I just lay him in the middle of our bed and he goes right to sleep for the rest of the night. Unfortunatley, we're having a bit of trouble breaking him of this habit.

Last week we had three big truck loads of top soil brought in and that night the kids had a BLAST climbing the mountain of dirt. They were DIRTY!!! They played out there forever though, and were in heaven the whole time.

Our baby is due in just over two weeks and we are still not ready. We are finally making progress though. Now that the yard isn't so dirty and dusty, I'm finally getting the house all cleaned up and in order. We were hoping to get the boys' room all fixed up but after a very unsuccessful yard sale adventure Saturday morning we still don't have a big bed for Bradley or a dresser to put their clothes in. I did dig out all of the baby clothes though and have them ready to throw in the wash. We still have to pick up a car seat and come up with a name.
We're also getting ready for Jared's big birthday on Friday. Mackayla is so excited to help me plan a party for him this week.
I guess this concludes my weekly update!


ashley said...

Hooray!!! for the yard! I can't wait to come roll in your grass in a few weeks. :) Cute belly pic too! The dirt looks like kids heaven... and so fun that you got to do more fireworks. Good luck getting all things baby ready~ see you next week!

April said...

Aren't you lucky with all that you have going on you get to have lots of company to add to the mix! We're excited to see your place and check out the yard.

Danielle and Derek said...

Ha Ha - good job on the yard, Jared! It looks great. Spencer still ends up in our room every night, we have a chair in there that he has claimed as his second bed. Hope you are able to get in some naps before the big day!

Julie said...

Congrats on getting all that yard work done! Wow. Hopefully you had as much success getting the kids cleaned up after the mountain of dirt :) that sounds fun.

Heather said...

Yippee for grass! I hope that Bradley starts to sleep in his room soon. I will be happy to help with that when we get there. Some dirt you had there. The kids looked like they were having tons of fun.

ronandlindahatfield said...

Pretty funny blog, Melissa. We will see you soon ~ get that baby named!!!
Happy 30th Birthday Jared!!

Heather said...

I don't know who has a greater labor, you or Jared, for planting the seed!

Chad and Amy Hatfield said...

Happy belated birthday Jared! We've had a crazy week, so sorry we missed your phone call. Jared sure is a hard worker doing that all by himself. Good luck with baby preparations and getting kids to sleep in beds.