Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas 2015

Another wonderful Christmas! We started the Christmas Eve festivities early this year, and met at Burger King in the afternoon. We had a big group with the Hatfields, Jones, Holts, Trees, and Andersons (we even had some of Tim's family join us). We lingered for a long time before heading home to more fun. 

This was a first, but we started the program off with some Christmas Simon says. 
Chad's and Amy's family did a very impressive rendition of The 12 days of Christmas.
Our family sang Hark the Herald along with Bad Religion.

Ready to open their Christmas Eve sacks

Christmas Family!
We got our pajamas to match the Nelsons but ended up coincidentally matching these Hatfield Cousins too. 
Mackayla had been planning for months to make an Elsa apron for Caitlin. She finally got it made a few days before Christmas, and couldn't wait to give it to her. On Christmas Eve, while no one else was looking, Eden handed Caitlin that present to open.  Mackayla and I were quite shocked when Caitlin came around the corner wearing the apron that night. :) She loves it though.
Everyone that was wearing a Santa shirt (and Jacob).
My Santa
Picture with Grandma and Grandpa
Mrs Christmas herself

Jacob and Clayton
They're all getting ready to sleep in the same room. Caitlin is hiding behind Mackayla since she preferred not to be pictured.
He came!!!!
Waiting to head in and see what Santa left. We waited as long as we could, but finally had to wake Caitlin up about 6:30.
A sewing machine for Mackayla
Doc McStuffins stuff for Caitlin

Jacob loved his apple
The boys both got new Nerf guns like they had asked for.

Before we started opening.

The doctor is in. 

New costume
I got some new earrings from the kids

Daddy got a new apron too
Caitlin gave me some rollos and a game
New scooters for these two
Fancy new game from his fancy wife
A BB gun. I don't know who was more excited Bradley or Jared. 
Time to play!

Shooting pop cans that afternoon.

I got to sit at the kid table for Christmas dinner since no one else wanted to. 

This was our first white Christmas since we've been married. 
Some railroad gaming on Christmas night. 
 Playing Pie Face
On the 26th, the Chad's came back up and we had a fun day playing. We spent some time playing with new toys at the church gym. Bradley was the ball hopping champion (he won by a lot every time)!

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