Sunday, February 17, 2013

finishing 2012

 After Christmas, we got to spend a few more days in Mesa enjoying family and nice weather. It was actually a little cold for Arizona, but definitely warmer than it was here in Utah. Jared spent one day replacing the motor mounts on our van with his Dad. We spent a day at the zoo as well. 
The kids love going over to the school and playing on the playground. 

 At the zoo, looking at the giraffes.
 Daddy and Caitlin

 Papa's popcorn was one of the highlights of the zoo trip.
 Looking for an animal
Standing on one foot like the flamingos
The kids with Great Grandma Jones
 Caitlin loved climbing up on the little trampoline at Papa and Nini's house.
 Enjoying some hot chocolate.
 We drove back on the 30th and spent New Years Eve at our house. We played a bunch of Kinect party that night. They were all being dragons in this picture.
 We also watched the movie Brave
 Mackayla didn't appreciate Brave very much. She says she just didn't like the parts when the mom was the bear (that was most of the movie).
 Then we rang in the New Year with the East coast at 10:00. The kids then went to, and Jared and I managed to stay up til midnight!

Another year has come and gone! Time is moving too quickly. This year Mackayla graduated from Kindergarten and started first grade, Bradley started preschool, and Jacob was potty trained at the beginning of the year...they are all growing up way too fast! The most significant events of the year for our family were the birth of Caitlin, and the passing of Mitchell. It is a year we will never forget! 
Now, we're looking forward to 2013, and hope its full of fun adventures for us!

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