I'm trying to play catch-up again! Halloween was fun, although it did put a big damper on the party that both boys were sick - fighting a fever. That afternoon Bradley got really sick and couldn't even move off of the couch. I felt so bad that he was going to have to miss Halloween. His fever finally broke right before Jared and Mackayla were about to leave for trick or treating, and he insisted he was going with them. It was a pretty warm night, so we put the boys costumes on really quickly, and let them go to just a few houses. They were gone less than ten minutes, but were worn out by the time they got back. Then Jared and Mackayla headed out for a while to collect more candy. At least the boys got to have a bit of Halloween. Bradley lost his voice completely for a couple of days, and Jacob could only talk very quietly. It sure was quiet around the house!
Here they are on their way out.

Captain Jack Sparrow

Buzz Light Year


Beautiful witch!
I had a matching witch outfit, but because of the craziness of two sick kids I didn't end up having a chance to dress up that night.
Our Halloween party was a very simple event due to the sick children.

This picture is included only as evidence that I do exist and was present on that Halloween night.

I gave Bradley and Jacob a huge handful of candy when they trick or treated to our house as they came back home. This was all the candy they got, but both were very pleased. Mackayla has been very nice about sharing all the candy she got, and they still have plenty left.
Bradley had to show off his loot.

An action shot of the trick or treaters

Mackayla's school had a Halloween parade. She was so excited since this was her first parade to march in.

Carving a pumpkin the night before Halloween. Bradley didn't feel well enough to participate.

Our Jack o Lantern

We had a trunk or treating activity with our new ward a few days before Halloween. Jared got lots of comments and looks from his tattoo sleeves. No one could tell if they were real or not. Jacob didn't want to put his costume on until it was time to get the candy.

Bradley and Mackayla ready for the trunk or treating.
I did wear my witch costume that night, but didn't end up with a picture of it.

I gave Jared guitar lessons on a DVD for Father's Day since he's been wanting to learn to play. He's started doing the lessons lately, and is picking up on it quickly.

Breakfast with Daddy before work one morning.

Mackayla and the leaves she collected on our drive into the Mountains.

These are in backwards order, but I'm too tired to fix them. We went for a drive in mid-October to see all the beautiful fall colors. We stopped at Sundance on the way home to look around. Bradley had fallen asleep on the drive, and was still very tired.

We drove the Alpine Loop and saw a lot of great colors.

Bradley took this picture of Jared and me.

Jacob exploring at a picnic sight.

We started the drive out with a picnic. My mouth is full, and I'm chewing, but there are so few pictures of me I can't be picky. :)