On our way to church Easter morning

Our attempt at a family picture after church using the timer on the camera
Another one
Getting ready for an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday afternoon
Jacob has just woke up so he was in a pretty serious mood

Coloring eggs Saturday Evening
This activity is always a real test of patience for the parents. "Don't throw the egg in!" "Don't take it out yet!" "Don't put your hand in!" "Don't crack the egg before you put it in!"
Good times!

Easter baskets on Sunday morning

Ready to eat our colored eggs

As I went to put the Easter dinner in the oven I realized it was not working. It wouldn't heat up at all. I put some of the food in different dishes and cooked it in the microwave. Lisa let me come put my rolls in her oven. So, with that slight delay we were still able to have our Easter feast.

I made some cinnamon butter and that was Bradley's favorite part of the meal!!

They say its good to be in the habit of eating slow and Mackayla really has that down. She loved the food but it took her about 20 minutes longer to finish, as usual!

We tried really hard to help the kids remember the true meaning of Easter this year. We had family home evening lessons on it all month. They each had one empty egg in their Easter baskets Sunday morning to remind them that the tomb where Jesus was laid was empty that morning. We watched the "Finding Faith in Christ" video on Sunday afternoon. After all that Bradley wanted to "play Jesus" that night. Somehow that included running crazy through the house and jumping off couches. :) Hopefully he did understand a little about Jesus's life, death, and resurrection.
Jacob looks like he belongs in the army in those first two pictures, his posture is so good!
Your food looked yummy, glad you were able to prepare it all without an oven.
I love your pictures! And I also love that while out shopping, I see you more than I see any other person I know. :)
What a beautiful Easter family! I don't blame Jacob - cinnamon butter is yummy. Mackayla must take after her uncle Derek in eating speed.
You all look so beautiful/handsome! Loved all the Easter fun. Great job cooking without an oven!
Jacob did look serious in the first pictures and when he was eating. Mackayla is getting bigger each time I see her picture. The boys are as cute as ever, so is Mackayla. Bradley looks so happy when he was spredding the butter on his roll. they looked so cute in their Easter outfits. you did a great job with he camera timer.
I know it's a lot of work, but how fun to make all of your own traditions and memories. That does stink about the oven--I hope that got fixed. You all look great!
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