My special day was wonderful! I was looking forward to it for weeks before hand. Mackayla told me once, "Mom you are getting too overexcited about Mother's day!" However, she was excited too and made me many cards throughout the week. She hid them all in different places and instructed me "NOT to look under ANYTHING until Mother's Day!"
Since we have 9:00 church there wasn't really time for breakfast in bed, but they did make me some yummy eggo waffles and then gave me some presents. Jared surprised me with a trip home to see my family for Memorial weekend. I really wanted to go for my mom's 40th birthday, but we are already going this summer and with the price of gas and Jared being so busy at work I figured we just couldn't make it. Apparently though, Jared and my mom had actually planned it and made arrangements weeks ago. We are so excited to go see all the family in Yakima!
As we picked up the kids from their classes at church it was so fun to receive all their gifts. They had made flowers and pictures in primary and Jacob had made me a necklace in nursery! Then they made dinner and homemade ice cream for me! How could I help but be excited about this day for weeks?!?! I love Mother's day!

The picture flower Mackayla made me at preschool

We planted some bulbs in the fall, and Mackayla spent the entire winter praying that our tulips would come up in the spring. They are late, but are finally opening up! They look beautiful and Mackayla spends a lot of time outside looking at them.

Jared had some work done on his toes a few days before Mother's day and so he spent a lot of the weekend with his feet up. The kids read him lots of books to help him pass the time stuck on the couch.

I really wanted to get the garden in, and, since Jared was laid up, I ended up doing a lot more of the hard physical work than I usually do in preparing the garden. I got a lot of it in that weekend, and then Jared finished it all up today so now we just have to wait for it all to grow.
We planted a little bit of everything: tomatoes, peppers, peas, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, carrots, radish, onions, corn, beans, lettuce, parsley, asparagus, sage, and basil.

Jacob was having so much fun with me the other day taking pictures of ourselves. I decided to stick a couple in our family album here.

All asleep together!

These were my
instructions: Take a picture of me doing the dishes, put in on the blog and write under it, "our little mommy."

We got to go to Sophie's dance recital last week.
Mackayla thought her ballerina outfit would be the appropriate attire to wear to the event. She actually ended up matching Sophie quite well.
Jared and I have watched all three of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies this week to get ready for the fourth one to come out next week. Hopefully we'll get to see it soon.
Mackayla will be starting her last week of school this week! When I learned about my surprise trip I realized it meant that Mackayla would be missing her preschool graduation that she was SO excited about. We promised her a big graduation party at Grandpa and Grandma's house and she is now excited about that. We're really looking forward to this next week!