I just wanted to write a little update on what we've been up to for our family records. I've also included a few random pictures from the last couple weeks, so enjoy!
Jared has been BUSY! I'll describe his last week of work. He went into the office on Monday moring at 6:30 am and came home at 6pm Tuesday. Yes, he worked 35 straight hours without any sleep. He tried his best to stay awake and play with the kids Tuesday night and he lasted about an hour before crashing out and then was at work Wednesday morning at 6:30 am again. He took Wednesday afternoon off, and then worked at the parade of homes from 4-10 pm. Thursday he worked a regular work day, and then Friday he worked at the parade all day until 10 pm again. This week things will slow down a little at work, so we'll get to see him again!
He spent a good chunck of Saturday working and roto tilling the backyard. He only got a small portion of it done, though, before the storm rolled in and he couldn't work anymore. Jared has come up with a new plan for finishing the backyard, though, that doesn't involve roto tilling, so at least he won't have to do that anymore.
On another note, I just realized how close we are to actually having this baby! I keep thinking it's still so far off, but the due date is quickly approaching. We still need to find Bradley a big boy bed and try to get him sleeping in it. We also need to find a dresser, a baby swing, and a car seat. I need to make him a blanket before he's born, and one other little thing...he's going to need a name!!! We're still absolutely clueless on the little guy's name. Any suggestions? Besides my back problems, each pregnancy has actually gotten easier I think. Maybe I'm just used to all the discomforts now, but it doesn't seem as bad for whatever reason. I'm getting to the point, though, where its hard to be comfortable. Jared loves to make fun of how many pillows I use at night to try to sleep. I want to hurry and get all the preparations ready for our new baby so I can relax and just be excited for his arrival.
Mackayla is finally adjusting to all the changes in her life (mostly the move). She, of course, still cries all too often but it's been a long time since she's had one of her out-of-control, histerical fits that she started having when we began preparations for our move. She really loves our house now. She is the best big sister, and takes such good care of Bradley. She's going to be a great helper for the new baby as well. She loves to try to help us come up with ideas for names for the baby. One of her favorites is Gigamo. We might have to use that name if we can't come up with anything esle! She still loves learning new things at school, and, lately, is working more on reading. She's getting pretty good at sounding out and reading little words. One of her new passions is asking Jared and I what we dreamed about. She asks us each about 15 times a day and everytime we're suppose to tell her a "funny, long" dream. Its quite the test of our creativness to come up with new ones each time. I sometimes have to tell her that Mommy is on a break from telling dreams right now. She insists that we include in our nightly prayers to ask that "we'll have good and funny dreams." She always keeps us laughing and we love her so much!
Bradley is the sweetest little boy. He has started talking in sentences a lot lately, and we're always amazed by the things that come out of his mouth. Some of the things we hear a lot are, "Come play with me Mommy" "Are you coming Kayla?" "Who are you? I'm Bradley Jones." "What did you dream about?" (he learned that from Mackayla) "Look Mommy, I'm bouncing on Daddy!" He also loves telling knock knock jokes. He says pretty much whatever he wants, although sometimes its a little hard to understand. But usually, he talks as clear as can be for a 20 month old. He loves to say the prayer, also. No matter who's turn it is to say the prayer, Bradley starts repeating every word so he also says the prayer every time. Mackayla loves to help him say the prayer and its the cutest thing to hear them say the prayer together. Bradley loves pretending to be either a kitty or a doggy. He also loves to color. He's loving going to nursery and keeps asking during Sacrament if he can "go to his class?" He's cut a few molars and one other tooth in the last couple weeks and it looks like more are trying to come through. We're hoping that is the cause of his sleep problems he's suddenly developed. Whatever the cause is, we're hoping to get those problems fixed before his little brother arrives.
Bradley and Mackayla love doing the dishes for me.
Bradley will push the chair over to the sink by himself and start doing dishes.
Jared working in the yard this week.

I showed Bradley last week how a doggie eats his food and he does it ALL THE TIME now.

Bradley thought the spikes on our pie were pretty cool.

During our move, Mackayla discovered that we had a smoothie maker and has been DYING to try it. We received it as a wedding gift, but, for some reason, had not yet used it. We finally tried it out and loved it. We've been having smoothies a lot these last couple of weeks.

Coloring with Dad

Mackayla loves to teach Bradley everything she learns. She had learned about the parts of an eye that day and wanted to teach them to Bradley as he ate his lunch.

The kids play together so well. This is a little video of the way they've been playing ring around the rosie lately.