We had a great Valentine's day. It was fun having Jared with us for the whole day. We started out with heart pancakes. Actually, the heart shape wasn't working out too well for us, so we just drew hearts in the pancakes.
That afternoon, we finally tried out the cotton candy machine that Grandpa and Grandma gave the kids for Christmas.
Jared and I love to go out on a date when we have a chance and always enjoy going to a nice dinner together, but neither of us have any desire to fight the crowds on Valentines's night so we started a tradition a few years ago of making a heart shaped pizza for our Valentine dinner.
With the kids both in bed by 8:00 we still had pleanty of time to enjoy our Valentine's Day. I know a lot of people do extravagant or expensive things for each other, but I think the perfect Valentine's day doesn't require either of those things. Jared built a nice fire and had some "vintage 1908 sparkling cider" for us. He told me some very romantic things such as, we've been together for one twentieth of a century. I hadn't realized it had been so long. Not everyone is lucky enough to find a love that last so long. Anyway, with the perfect mood set we sat by the fire and discussed politics (the stimulus package) and went to sleep.
I love having such a romantic husband.
Papa and Nini sent the kids both a little baby doll V-day gift as well. They've had a great time taking care of the babies.

Bradley -Elmo
Bradley really likes it when we take his picture. He was purposely hamming it up for this one. (My sisters would probably tell you he gets that from me.)
This is Bradley and Mackayla putting on Family Home Evening for us. Mackayla had everyone open their hymn books and then we sang Old McDonald had a farm. Bradley was in charge of the lesson and taught us to love all of Heavenly Father's creatures, such as all the animals he had with him on the couch.
Mackayla gave her first talk in Primary today!! She did a great job and didn't act nervous at all, which kind of suprised Jared and me. Grandma really wanted to hear her talk, so we took a video of her practicing right before church. Its hard to hear, and a little long, so this video might not be of interest to anyone besides her grandparents. :)