This is a great moment for me. Both of the boys wanted to play with my hair. :) The kids all know that this is the best way to get to stay up a few (or 30) minutes longer at night.
On St Patrick's Day we had our scavenger hunt. The kids found the pot of gold at the end, and then we had a nice green pancakes dinner. The kids were so careful to go to bed with green on the night before so they would be safe when they woke up. :)
In March the HBA held an event called Dozer Days. The kids got to help drive all kinds of construction machinery. They had so much fun.
Blowing some bubbles on a beautiful spring afternoon.
The Holts came over on Saturday of Easter weekend for an egg hunt. Grandma and Heather filled lots of eggs with candy for the kids.
Easter baskets

I didn't get a picture of the kids coloring eggs on Saturday but here are the eggs ready to eat on Easter morning.
The best we could do for an Easter picture this year.
Jared has always loved napping with our babies. Caitlin pretty much never takes a nap anymore, so this was a very rare treat when she fell asleep.
Mackayla made these festive carrot-utensils display.

Bradley got to participate in his first pinewood derby at the end of the month. He and Jared worked together making the car. I've been helping in Cub Scouts this year and got to head up the pinewood derby, so this was a big family event. Bradley earned his Bobcat award and got to put a pin on my shirt. His car came in third place, and he was very pleased. Good job Bradley!