Mackayla had her second dance recital on May 3rd. She was so excited and looked beautiful!

Grandma Hatfield stayed around long enough to be able to attend the recital and then flew home the next morning. Ashley and Sophie also came to see Mackayla dance.

They danced to The Happy Song from the new
Muppets movie. Here are a few action shots during the dress

Mackayla also had a talent show for her class at school a few days before. When her teacher first told them they were having a talent show,
Mackayla decided she wanted to do hula hooping for her talent. She couldn't even hula hoop then so I was a little nervous for her. She had a couple weeks but was actually able to get it down and was a great hula
hooper for the show!
Her class also did the Mexican Hat Dance at the show.

This was Caitlin's first outing. She was so proud of big sister's
hula hooping skills.