We spent the week between Christmas and New Years just playing and having a great time. We left on the afternoon of New Years Day to head back home.
Here are the kids playing with the stamps they got for Christmas

Bradley playing a game

We went over to the church gym one afternoon to play, and try out Mitchell's new car he got for Christmas. Everyone played a very dangerous game of soccer, while Jacob and Eden drove around in circles the whole time.

Jared playing some pool

Dad and Mom trying to blow their ball in during a couples game.
Mackayla reading the new books Jacob gave her to Grandma.

We went bowling one afternoon. It was the kids' first time to bowl. They loved it, but poor Jared had to help all three of them throw the ball everytime. I'm sure his back was pretty sore by the end of the game.

Jared and Jacob in their matching "pirate shirts." Jacob helped me pick out this shirt for Jared at the store. He helped me wrap it, and was so excited to give to him for Christmas. On Christmas morning when Jared opened it, Jacob yelled, "Yay! Your pirate shirt!!" Apparently, the whole time he thought he was giving his dad a pirate shirt for Christmas. It was pretty funny. Then a few days later we were at a store, and I saw a little shirt just like it on sale so I got Jacob one that matched. He loves having a matching pirate shirt.

When in Yakima, we always get to spend our lunches at Taco Bell with Grandma Davenport.

Since we were leaving on New Year's Day, my mom made a nice dinner on New Year's Eve. Then we Spent the rest of the night playing and hanging out.

Scott and Jaden happen to already own some "pirate shrirts" so they decided to join in on the fun.

Using a spatula as a sword
Ha Ha
Playing twister

We rang in the new year with the East coast at 9pm our time, for the kids. Heather had lots of the noise makers for the kids.

Mackayla got to open a few early birthday presents from Heather and the Aprils that night also.
I did it! I was so tired, but I stayed awake (mostly) until midnight.
Celebrating with some sparkling cider.
Happy New Year!