She finally turned 5! This is the year I've been dreading, when I'll have to send her off to kindergarten! Mackayla was so excited for her birthday to finally arrive! She's been talking about January 3rd coming for an entire year. She got to choose everything about the day and had so much fun planning this special event!

She wanted cinnamon rolls for breakfast

She got to open one present before Daddy left for work. Her dad spent over three hours putting this doll house together for her the night before. She was absolutely delighted with the gift.

She got to take treats to preschool for her
birthday and had a fun time there. Then she got ready for her
Tinkerbell birthday party!

We ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse. This had been planned by her for a long time. We always drive by this restaurant and the kids always want to go. This summer
Mackayla asked why we never get to go there. We told her it costs a lot of money to eat out so we only do it on special occasions. A few minutes later she asked us if her birthday was a special occasion. We told her it was and she had been looking forward to her birthday dinner since then.

The Nelsons joined us back at home for the party.
-Opening gifts-

Swinging at the pinata

Time for the
Tinkerbell cake

Mackayla has grown up so much this past year. She's very mild mannered and well behaved. She rarely causes any trouble and is usually being a HUGE help to her mom. She is a great big sister. She tries so hard to take care of her two little brothers and always wants to share everything with them. If she ever brings home any type of treat from preschool she has figured out how to divide it into three by the time she gets home. She's getting more and more independent all the time. She loves going to preschool and her primary class. She likes to pick out her own outfits and is sometimes very creative when doing so. She loves to dance, sing, laugh, color, and draw. She loves playing with her doll houses, barbies and dress-up clothes. Her brothers love her so much as well as her Mom and Dad!! We are so grateful to have her in our family!