We just returned from a week in Yakima with my family. The whole family now numbers at 23.5! We hadn't all been together in two years and had a great time! There was actually very little time that everyone was there together. Jared had to work a few more days, so he came late. He arrived about the exact same time April went into the hospital to have her baby. A few hours after coming home from the hospital we quickly snapped this family picture in the backyard.
Grandpa and Grandma with their 12 grandkids!
It was fun, but certainly chaotic at times! :) They were so good about letting 11 little kids run through their house, tolerating the mess, feeding us, taking care of April and her family when they had their baby, taking care of Grandma Davenport the whole time, and still finding time to spoil each grandkid with attention!
There were a couple of different bugs going around the family the whole time we were there, so we spent some time a little sick but we didn't let it keep us down too much. I lost my voice completely the last couple days of the trip (and it's still pretty much gone) so my poor family missed out on some very good conversation and jokes from me. :) Here is our photo album from the trip.
Swimming at the Tree's pool
Jacob and Grandma D.
Jacob spent all his time in the ball pit!
Jacob and Bryce
He did take a quick break from the balls to climb this wall with his Aunt Amy.
Grandma got out all my old barbies to play with. She LOVED them!
Everyone loves Aunt Heather and they love the water balloons she always fills up for them!
Here are the little guys with their water balloons.
Although, they were out of commission for a couple days we're so glad our new little nephew decided to make his appearance while we were all there. It was such a treat to get to meet him.
Cannon Dean Holt-- Congrats April and Scott!

Bubble fun with the cousins
More swimming
Enjoying a banana split!

There are a lot of huge fans of the show Wipe Out in the family so they decided to set up a Wipe Out course for the kids. They had to run through this course while being shot at with big squirt guns and having big water balloons thrown at them. It was fun but the real fun started when the big people decided to try it out.
Bubble fun with the cousins
There are a lot of huge fans of the show Wipe Out in the family so they decided to set up a Wipe Out course for the kids. They had to run through this course while being shot at with big squirt guns and having big water balloons thrown at them. It was fun but the real fun started when the big people decided to try it out.
Here is Mackayla finishing the course!