Although we're still waiting for our spring weather to show up, we were fortunate to have Jared's parents come and spend conference/Easter weekend with us. We had a WONDERFUL time and were so sad to see them leave Monday morning.
Easter Baskets
Bradley showing off the eggs they colored.
The kids braved the cold long enough to hunt for some eggs on Saturday afternoon.

Mackayla enjoying her pre-conference breakfast saturday.

Blowing bubbles...

Our April Fool's day dinner.
Mackayla and Bradley were so excited about the big April Fools joke they played on their dad.
They told him he had to eat a spider---turned out to be a cookie that only looked like a spider. Boy, did they fool him!
Mackayla got her much anticipated, spring haircut last week. Her hair was much longer than mine has ever been. She got about three inches cut off.
Jacob enjoyed the goods after the hunt as well.
Some of the pancakes were even shaped like bunnies.
We've been working on re-upholstering a couple of chairs. We had one chair ready to put back together by the time Jared's parents arrived so that his dad, an experienced upholsterer, could help him. It took most of the day Saturday, but they got one chair pretty much done!
There was very minimal sewing required on this project and I assumed that I would be doing that part, but Jared wanted to do it himself. :)
Meatloaf cake and jello kool-aid.
They told him he had to eat a spider---turned out to be a cookie that only looked like a spider. Boy, did they fool him!
Jacob on the slide.