We were able to enjoy a wonderful trip down to Arizona for Thanksgiving. The kids all traveled good, the weather was perfect and we were able to do a lot of fun things. Besides getting over another round of mastitis and a few headaches, it was a perfect little vacation.

The kids loved helping Nini decorate for Christmas.

We made a visit to the Phoenix Zoo

Nini and Mackayla looking at Elephants

Jacob had fun also.

Mackayla's favorite part of the trip was studying the map. Bradley had a great time just relaxing in the stoller and eating his crackers.

Standing on one foot like the flamingos

Bradley was so tired one afternoon he fell asleep sitting up in the cart. Since Jacob was already being carried, Bradley got to sleep in Jacob's carseat. I thought he looked so cute in the little seat.

Making little turkeys with Papa

Jason was out of town for Thanksgiving but we did get to see him one morning before he flew out.

The kids were all set and so excited for a road trip. Bradley kept yelling "happy road trip!"

The week before Thanksgiving Mackayla got to go on a special Daddy-Daughter date. She got to pick the activity and decided she wanted him to take her to IHOP for breakfast. She was SO excited. This was a very special event for her.

5 YEARS! We had our five year anniversary this month also. Jared gave me this beautiful bouquet. While in Arizona, Mom and Dad Jones treated us to babysitting and dinner so we could have an anniversary date. Three kids later, we can say we've had a busy but wonderul five years! :)

Our sweet little Jacob is quickly loosing his hair. We usually spread it around so it's not so noticable but he actually has a very nice mohawk. We probably are going to have to cut his hair because it's looking pretty funny.