Sunday, September 23, 2007

These are just a few pictures of what the kids' rooms look like these days. Mackayla's been sleeping in her big-girl bed since earlier this summer and LOVES it! The baby's room in nothing fancy, but its ready for him to come. I just made a valance for the window and Jared hung it for me last night, so it's looking a lot more "done" now.

I' ve been avoiding the camera for some time now, but I finally decided I better have at least a couple pictures of myself at the end of this pregnancy. So, I put on something to purposly show how big I was and let Jared take one picture. This is at the Homecoming Parade on Saturday. Mackayla had a great time and loved it! However, she refused to let us fix her hair before we left, so she's looking quite lovely!
We went to the Homecoming Football game on Saturday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and great weather until the 4th quarter. Mackayla and I hung out underneath the stands, out of the rain until the game was over. Mackayla had fallen asleep, so we covered her up and walked home in the pouring rain. She stayed dry and asleep the whole time!

We went for a Sunday drive up into the canyon today. The leaves haven't changed completely yet so we'll have to go again soon to see them. We did find a couple of orange trees though and tried to take a couple of pictures.

Father & DaughterMother & Son

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Little Cinderella

Mackayla's new favorite movie is Cinderella. We've tried to get her to watch some of the other disney movies and see the other "princesses," but she has no interest in watching any of them. All day long she wants to watch Cinderella and is always singing the cinderella song. The line she sings over and over again is "Cinderelli, Cinderelli, night and day it's Cinderelli."
I've been trying to figure out why she likes Cinderella so much, and I think I've figured it out... she feels like she can relate to cinderella. Mackayla spends a lot of her time helping her mommy with chores around the house!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

She Aims To Please...

Mackayla always wants to please the people she loves.
She's been having her mommy teach her how to play dominoes so that when she sees Grandpa Jones she can play with him. She also knows there is no better way to get on Great Grandpa Jones' good side than to become a hard core BYU fan. You can tell by her drink holder that she wants Grandpa Hatfield to know that she is also cheering for the Big Red!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This is Mackayla wearing the same outfit that I was wearing in the other picture. I was only 11 months old in mine. Mackayla is 20 months. There doesn't seem to be any resemblance at all. When my face started to thin out around age two though, you can see much more of Mackayla's mother in her.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

He's on his way!

With just over a month until out little boy arrives, we're starting to wonder what the little guy will look like.

Will he be a little blonde baby like his father???

Or a big chuncky, dark haired baby like his mother????