Friday, December 22, 2017

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

 The most wonderful time of the year! Decorating the tree and just a picture of Mackayla on the way out the door to school with Jared.

We went to the lighted parade in Selah. It was cold but the lighted trucks were great. Caitlin brought home a gift she made at school that was wrapped so cute. Jacob's teacher had posted this cute picture of Jacob helping with lunch at school.

Reading a Christmas book. Jacob had a Christmas lunch at school that Jared and I got to come to. Caitlin is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Crazy hair day at school.

Caitlin had her Christmas program at school. She did great.

I got to help Jacob's class tie these blankets together that they got from their teacher. Mackayla had a band concert that was wonderful. She's doing so well on the flute. Cookies at Grandma's house. Mackayla invited a few friends over to hangout at Grandma's fun house. We got to see Santa at the ward party. 

Nikki had tried to hide a bone out in the yard and came in with her face all muddy. We had a great night watching the kids do a live nativity at the Holts' house. Afterwards they got more comfortable and played some football downstairs.

Jared got another home done just in time for Christmas. The last couple of weeks have been crazy for him but we're glad he got it done. Making sugar cookies. The dogs love checking the stockings as much as the kids do.

We had some family over to have our Rudolph pancakes with us. Afterwards we enjoyed some Christmas karaoke.

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