Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve

 It had snowed a ton while we were in Arizona, so the kids were dying to get out and play in it once we got home.

 That night we were ready for a great New Years Eve party.

 We danced with the kinect party games on the xbox.
We counted down to the New Year with the east cost so the kids could get to bed. 

 Mackayla got to stay up until midnight this time. I kept falling asleep on the couch but she stayed awake the whole time.
Goodbye 2014! It was a great year. We're looking forward to the exciting adventures that 2015 will bring.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

We arrived safely in Arizona just in time to join the Jones family in their last couple of houses that they were going caroling to. We had our Rudolph pancakes one night for dinner.
On Christmas Eve, we grabbed a whopper from Burger King for tradition's sake.
Christmas Eve festivities

Unfortunately, I hadn't been feeling good for the couple of days before Christmas, and was feeling pretty awful on that night.
Christmas pajamas time. Jacob didn't care for his pajamas and so he didn't appreciate having his picture taken.

He came! Santa brought everyone just what they had wanted.

Ready to see what they got early on Christmas morning.

I love all the smiles on Christmas morning.

Jacob had told Papa he was going to give him an eyeball for Christmas, so he made one out of a ping pong ball and gave it to him.

Caitlin gave Daddy an Olaf shirt

After presents we hurried over to the Pulver's house to have crepes with the Richins family.
Then dinner that evening with the Joneses. Grandma Jones always has a present for everyone.
Papa and Nini's festive house
My first time to take a car selfie picture. I'm still not sure why people do this all the time, but I was trying to take a picture of the pretty necklace I had gotten for Christmas from Papa and Nini.
This is what grown men do after all the kids have gone to bed... play with the kids' toys.

I had to retry the pajama picture once we got home and the kids weren't so tired. This time they all cooperated.
We got to enjoy a few fun days after Christmas in Arizona

Jared trying to teach his mom how to use her machines.
Trying out her new bow and arrow at the school yard.

Jacob wasn't feeling well one evening. His new bird sang to him in bed though.
The kids loved looking at the pictures of Daddy when he was a baby.
We celebrated the January birthdays before we came home.