We had a wonderful Easter together this year. It was a beautiful and sunny day. We didn't have anyone to take our picture for us so we just took a bunch of different pictures to get us all in. These are before church.
Enjoying the afernoon in our spring clothes!
Mackayla checking out her basket. I can really tell she's my daughter in pictures like this. She wakes up with the exact same hairdo as I do.
Bradley looking at his basket. The poor little guy didn't seem to feel good most of the day. We think he might be getting a cold (or maybe just teething.)
Here is a picture of the children in the neighborhood getting ready to find eggs.
I end up putting a lot of pictures on some of my posts because I plan on turning my blog into a family photo/scrap book and I want all these pictures in it. April sent me a link to a site where you can turn your blog into a photo book. I haven't worked with it yet but if it works out I'll just have a book made once a year. Has anyone tried to do this yet?
Photo of the Week