These are just a few pictures of what the kids' rooms look like these days. Mackayla's been sleeping in her big-girl bed since earlier this summer and LOVES it! The baby's room in nothing fancy, but its ready for him to come. I just made a valance for the window and Jared hung it for me last night, so it's looking a lot more "done" now.
I' ve been avoiding the camera for some time now, but I finally decided I better have at least a couple pictures of myself at the end of this pregnancy. So, I put on something to purposly show how big I was and let Jared take one picture. This is at the Homecoming Parade on Saturday. Mackayla had a great time and loved it! However, she refused to let us fix her hair before we left, so she's looking quite lovely!
We went for a Sunday drive up into the canyon today. The leaves haven't changed completely yet so we'll have to go again soon to see them. We did find a couple of orange trees though and tried to take a couple of pictures.